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What is math framing?
Mathematics is often viewed as an idealized, abstract model, a realm of pure logic and precision. Its beauty lies in its consistency and internal coherency, unhindered by the complexities and irregularities of the physical world.
Within this theoretical bubble, we explore mathematical relationships, prove theorems, and navigate through dimensions that exceed the ones we perceive in our physical existence. We marvel at prime numbers, grapple with the concept of Infinity, and debate the peculiarities of irrational numbers. This is mathematics in a form as abstract as possible, considering that even with putting maximum effort into escaping reality, one is always bound by his existence and the frame he creates for being able to even think about a theory.
Take a simple example of theory versus reality. One plus one, in theory, equals 2. You would need to find two identical units of something to apply the theory, but there are no identical units of anything in this universe. This brings up the question, "Is it all wrong then?" Yes, it is.
We got used to applying theory to explain, understand the basics, and get along with the reality we create, knowing or being unaware that what we believe is inaccurate. It worked when the earth was regarded as flat and works now. A better way would be to acknowledge the lack of understanding and accept the theory tool as an instrument until we can have more insight and transform the theory to represent reality. There is no need to enforce a belief to be accepted as the absolute Truth and revise it when insight and proof become undeniable. Just take what you believe now as an intermediate step on the path of getting closer and closer to the Truth.
The true power of mathematics is unveiled when it is applied to reality as a tool for understanding, learning, and progress, experimentation on the possible and impossible, and a lens through which we observe, analyze, and interpret reality.
Math Framing is the transformation of mathematical concepts and theories, expanding to the full spectrum of what mathematics offers. It involves transforming them from their entire or partial theoretical isolation into contextualized and adjusted-to-reality precise constructs, resulting in a valid result for our reality.
Defining reality
Reality is commonly understood as what you can see and observe, the things you can't see but assume exist somewhere, and all things in existence that you don’t see, take their existence, or even remotely imagine being somewhere. You perceive the reality of the current moment as all things that exist at the moment you observe them. You tend to regard reality as a state of things at a given time.
Reality requires a decision to start existing. From the moment of a single first decision (crystalized intent), a tiny bit of reality is formed, and this first decision hopefully leads to a chain of decisions that creates more of reality.
For example, when you intend to stand up from your couch in the living room to go to the kitchen, you need to stand up and start the chain of decisions on your intended path to the kitchen. You will not arrive if you don't make the first step.
Let’s say you arrived, standing in the kitchen. Now, you think that is the reality of the current moment. This is true, but it is much more than that. The reality of the present moment is you, standing in the kitchen, sitting on your couch, standing in front of the kitchen door, etc. Every point of decision you make on your path to the kitchen is the current reality, which is the sum of all decisions up to the current state of things. Reality consists of everything being decided in parallel.
Reality is viewed as a linear past-now construct because of time perception, where past things are gone, out of sight. But Time is only perception. It is valid to say that when dinosaurs still lived on earth, the reality was different than the one you experience now, not because you didn’t see any dinosaurs in your backyard this morning but because you did not exist when they did. A lot of things happened since then.
Reality is like a container you fill with more and more staff, never getting emptied.
Math Framing is not a process of translation but one of transformation. It is not about taking mathematical objects and squeezing them into reality. Instead, it involves transforming them to represent reality as closely as possible within the confines and constraints of our physical universe.
To understand our reality, we need to identify its mathematical aspects, transform our theories, and consider them an abstract starting point.